Erik Menendez & His Big Three

Sagittarius Sun in the 4th House @ 5 Degrees (Leo & Fame Degree)

The Sun represents the core of our identity, our sense of self, and our life’s purpose. In Sagittarius, Erik’s Sun placement reveals a strong need for freedom, truth, and exploration. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion, meaning that Erik would have had an innate desire to seek new experiences, learn about the world, and push boundaries. However, his Sun falls in the 4th House, the house of family, home, and emotional foundations. This placement indicates that Erik’s personal identity was deeply tied to his family and upbringing. Sagittarius energy, which craves freedom and independence, is at odds with the 4th House’s focus on roots and emotional security, suggesting an internal conflict between wanting to break free from family expectations and being bound to them.

Adding in 5 degrees to the mix, this placement takes on an even more dramatic tone. The Leo degree is associated with fame, leadership, and public recognition, but fame that often comes with a price. Erik’s life, tied so deeply to his family, was thrust into the public eye, but the fame came in the form of a high-profile trial and infamy rather than personal achievement. The Leo energy enhances the importance of ego and the need to be seen, and in Erik’s case, his family issues became a matter of public spectacle, with his identity forever linked to the notoriety of his family drama. This placement suggests a life in which his personal self was never fully separate from the public’s view of his family, reinforcing the theme of fame tied to painful consequences.

Scorpio Moon in the 3rd House @ 26 Degrees (Taurus Degree)

The Moon governs our emotional world, instincts, and how we seek comfort. With the Moon in Scorpio, Erik’s emotional landscape would have been intense, secretive, and full of deep psychological complexity. Scorpio is a sign that delves into the undercurrents of life—power, control, transformation, and emotional extremes. Scorpio Moons are known to feel things deeply, often experiencing emotions like betrayal, fear, and obsession. Erik likely internalized his emotions, feeling an intense need to guard his vulnerabilities. Scorpio is also ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, which indicates that Erik’s emotional experiences would have often been life-altering or tied to significant crises. Scorpio Moons also have a tendency to hold onto emotional wounds, and in Erik’s case, this would have manifested as a deep-seated resentment and pain connected to his family.

In the 3rd House, which rules communication, siblings, and immediate environment, Erik’s Moon placement suggests that these intense emotional experiences were tied to his interactions with his family—particularly his brother, Lyle, and the communication within the household and even now in prison. This is a placement of emotional power struggles, especially between siblings or close family members, where conversations and relationships are colored by secrecy, manipulation, and control. The Taurus degree (26 degrees) adds an additional layer to this. Taurus is associated with stability, material wealth, and comfort. While Scorpio is emotionally turbulent, Taurus craves peace and security. This degree suggests that Erik’s emotional turmoil was compounded by the material abundance he was surrounded by, a luxurious yet emotionally toxic environment. It indicates that while Erik lived in comfort and wealth, his emotional life was anything but secure. He may have felt trapped by the wealth that surrounded him, further intensifying his feelings of powerlessness and resentment toward his family. I believe this could be why he feels so free in prison. Wealth is a burden for Erik.

Virgo Ascendant @ 4 Degrees (Cancer Degree)

The Ascendant, or rising sign, represents how we approach life, how others perceive us, and the persona we project to the world. With Virgo Ascendant, Erik’s outward personality would have been seen as analytical, detail-oriented, and somewhat reserved. Virgo risings are often critical of themselves and others, always striving for perfection. They tend to be practical and controlled, preferring to focus on details and order. This placement suggests that Erik might have appeared composed, responsible, and even meticulous in how he managed his life and interactions, especially within his family. However, Virgo risings can also be highly self-critical, and this often manifests as internal pressure to meet impossible standards, especially in a family dynamic where expectations are high.

At 4 degrees, Erik’s Ascendant is linked to Cancer energy, which adds an emotional, family-oriented layer to his Virgo rising. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and governs family, maternal influences, and emotional security. This degree suggests that Erik’s outward demeanor and his approach to life were profoundly shaped by his relationship with his family, especially his mother. 4 degrees emphasizes emotional nurturing (or lack thereof), and in most cases, this degree points to deep "mommy issues" and unresolved emotional wounds connected to maternal care. Erik’s Virgo rising would have made him appear rational and controlled on the outside, but the Cancer influence shows that underneath this exterior, there were deep emotional scars and unmet emotional needs, particularly tied to his mom, Kitty.

Sending you all my love and blessings,
Ash (@AstroA3h via Instagram & TikTok) 💓
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